
The Health Benefits of Teff Flour: Nutrient-Packed and Gluten-Free

Teff flour is a versatile grain that has gained popularity recently for its numerous health benefits.  Derived from the tiny teff grain native to Ethiopia, this gluten-free flour is packed with essential nutrients. It offers a range of potential advantages for your overall well-being.  In this blog post, we will explore the various health benefits of teff flour, making it an excellent addition to your diet. What is Teff Flour? Teff flour is grinding the tiny teff grain into a fine powder. This ancient grain has been consumed for thousands of years and is a staple of the Ethiopian diet. It comes in various colours, including white, brown, and red, each with its unique flavour profile. The flour is widely available in health food stores and online, making it accessible to those interested in incorporating this nutritious grain into their diet. Rich in Essential Nutrients One of the standout features of teff flour  is its impressive nutrient profile. It is abundant in several essent

Cooking With Teff Flour: Delicious Recipes To Try

Teff, the smallest grain in the world, is an ancient superfood that's been used for thousands of years. It's a gluten-free grain with a nutty flavor, and it can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in many recipes. It's rich in protein, fiber, iron and calcium. Teff is a good source of protein. It contains all eight essential amino acids, which makes it a complete protein and helps to build muscle mass. Teff is high in fiber. One cup of premium teff flour contains about 2 grams of fiber--that's 20% of your daily recommended intake. Fiber helps keep you full for longer periods of time and may also lower cholesterol levels by preventing fat absorption from the intestines into the bloodstream. Teff is high in iron. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout your body, which maintains healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your body. Lastly, teff contains calcium. Calcium plays an important role in bone health because it helps strengthen them so they don

The Ultimate Teff flour Bread Recipe

Teff bread has a  nutty and earthy flavour and is incredibly soft and fluffy. Teff bread comes together very quickly. It tastes delicious and looks fantastic, similar to whole wheat bread.  This teff flour bread is excellent for making avocado toast, sandwiches, or toasted and spread with jam.  Let's have a look at the delicious Teff bread recipe. Ingredients                                         20g Yeast 25g Honey 700g Cold Water 2 tsp Salt 15g Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1 egg white – optional) 200g Ivory Teff Flour 100g Rice Flour 100g Buckwheat Flakes 30g Psyllium Husk 55g Corn Starch (or potato starch) Method Preheat oven to 225 degrees Celsius. In a large bowl, combine cold water, yeast, honey, salt, and rapeseed oil. (Now you can also add an egg, it is not necessary, but the texture of the bread will be slightly better.) Stir the ingredients together with a whisk.  Add the rice flour, corn starch, buckwheat flakes, and best teff flour (or potato starch).